Saturday, March 27, 2004

Lazy Saturday

In the photoblog links to the right, several new pictures of the garden and the cat. This is not the same cat who caused all the ruckus last week. This is the good guy whom the devil-cat got in a fight with.

Last night, I put in a full 8.5-hour shift at the l.n.c.b., the first time they've called me in in a month. I thought my favorite customer was going to be the guy who got a stack of poetry books, but then he tried to pay by check and his check was refused. He left saying he would return, but of course he didn't. So favorite customer honors went to the guy who bought Henry Miller's Sexus and two different books by Balzac.

The shift lasted from 4 p.m. to 12:30 in the morning. Man, that's a long time on your feet, even with an hour break in the middle. When I got home, I had to put two big pillows in the bed for my legs, so I could fall asleep with my legs elevated just to get the blood out of them. In the middle of the night, I woke up enough to kick the pillows off, then went back to sleep and slept until 9 a.m.

My good friend Marilyn, who has moved from explicit erotica into the more erotic-romance genre, now has a blog -- stop by, then go to Barnes and Noble and get one of her books. They publish some of her new stuff exclusively.

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