Monday, July 12, 2004

Also, the public stoning scheduled for next Sunday has been postponed

An Iowa preacher wanted to have an "old fashioned" book burning, but both the city and county told him to get stuffed. Best sentence:

Breedlove said a city fire inspector suggested shredding the offending material, but Breedlove said that wouldn't seem biblical.

Just another American defending traditional values.

In other news:

A few smaller theater chains are refusing to exhibit "Fahrenheit 9/11." The Michael Moore film gathered $11 million on its third weekend, by the way, suggesting some of the air is being let out of its balloon. But it opened strong in the U.K.

It's the 100th anniversary of the birth of poet Pablo Neruda. They're celebrating in Chile, his birthplace. (Who knew?) Don't miss the parade photo. And speaking of parades, it's "marching season" in Northern Ireland, as minority Protestants try to provoke hated Catholics into full-scale riots by wearing bowlers and orange sashes. Never a dull moment up there!

A year after a mass murder rocked the hateful Texas suburb where I went to high school, police still have little clue as to the motive, perpetrators or solution of the crime. But they have new vague sketches! And by the way -- Andrea Yates and I are not the only famous people from there. Arch-Republican Tom DeLay is the area's congressman -- and he's in a heap of trouble.

It can't get any better than that, even with an Australian story about the world's oldest canine. I'll let you find that one on your own.

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