Monday, July 05, 2004

Battle of Baghdad-by-the-Bay

Like most fourths of July, last night was horribly foggy in San Francisco. (That picture shows only the launch paths of fireworks, not the airbursts that are the whole point -- the airbursts may as well have occured in Saturn's rings, for all you could see.) But the fog didn't stop the hundreds of neighborhood thugs and vandals celebrators who fired off enough ordinance -- both fireworks and firearms -- for an Iraqi wedding. "Where are the Blackhawks when you really need them?" I asked, wishing for a disproportionate response. Wearing earplugs, I got to sleep okay around midnight; Cris stayed up trying to calm the cats until the last shot was fired, then crept into bed.

This morning is suitably grey and quiet, though it doesn't seem as quiet as the last holiday at the end of May. But at least I get a day off. I'm banging away on a freelance project, turning really crappy HTML into decent, clean code.

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