Thursday, July 15, 2004

Satire dies another death

The engaging blog The Minor Fall, The Major Lift (what does that mean? I don't know) alerts you to this priceless bit of pre-apocalyptic news: the producers of Big Brother are going to combine their concept with that of "American Idol" and add a lot of sex. The result will be -- well, read it and weep.

The contestants will be screened 24 hours a day as they produce their own X-rated porn film. The five men in the show, including one Briton, will be judged on their abilities to perform sexually with the women. Those judged to have done most poorly will be voted out, one by one, until a winner emerges. He will be awarded a full-time contract with a porn film producer.

The mind reels as it considers the phrase "those judged to have done most poorly."

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