Sunday, July 18, 2004

The nine hundred and first post

Still working on that HTML project I've been mentioning from time to time -- and I will be, for the foreseeable future. Even though I bought (bought!) Dreamweaver to help iron out the rough spots, the HTML I'm cleaning up is so full of junk that it takes me up to an hour to do a single file. And there are still about 140 files left to go.

This weekend I got even less done on that than I expected. The client discovered that the CDs I prepared worked badly on Mac OS 9 and under, so I had to manually cut 100 CDs on my Mac G4. That took most of Friday and all of Saturday -- except for when I was exercising or doing errands. I didn't do anything remotely resembling leisure this weekend, unless you count the exercise. It seems like more of a chore than leisure.

Sunday evening I took Cris and her aunt to the park to feed the pigeons, squirrels, feral cats, skunks, rats, bluejays -- god, what else... There are probably some raccoons around too. It's a regular Wild Kingdom out there. I didn't see any skunks this week but I saw three last Sunday. Cris said she saw eight (!). Face of a rat, coat of a cat, and a tail like no other. Stupid and timid. Just don't corner any.


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Anonymous said...
