Sunday, July 04, 2004

Keillor now confirmed anti-Bushite

Garrison Keillor, of public radio fame, has joined the chorus of anti-Bush voices with a new book, "Homegrown Democrat," which he calls "an intuitive book, not a closely reasoned book. It's a sort of stream-of-consciousness political autobiography."

"I want to strengthen and encourage my fellow Democrats because I think they have been so extensively beaten up on, especially on radio, with Rush Limbaugh and 10,000 imitators," Keillor said. ... "I had been expressing myself in the most elliptical way on the radio show, which drew volleys of angry letters from Republicans. So, I thought that rather than snipe by way of fictional characters in the show, Guy Noir or somebody in Lake Wobegon walking into the Sidetrack Tap and unloading on the president, I would simply write a book."

It's even for sale at WalMart.

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