Thursday, July 29, 2004

Stay up late

This Guardian article about a new stimulant, Provigil (get it? Pro Vigil) was reprinted online in Salon. It's supposed to be some kind of scandal, but I haven't mentioned it to a single person without that person remarking, "Just tell me where I can get some of that." Don't worry, it shouldn't be long before ads for Provigil start showing up in your spam email box.

The best thing about the Provigil site is the customer testimonial page, with endorsements like this:

My life was uh, basically a non life. It was basically uh working and sleeping—that's all I did. I got up on the mornings that I had to work and went to work and barely made it through the day and uh, people heard "I'm so tired" come out of my mouth probably about 50 times during the day.

And don't miss the picture on the Patient's home page -- that is one wide-awake mail room boy.

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