Tuesday, August 24, 2004

Dept of I can't decide whether to laugh or cry

Since I'm utterly allergic to the shouting-heads brand of talk show, I never watch "Hardball." But a recent segment, captured on video, is making its way around the web, and its entertainment value is pretty high even if you aren't all that intersted in political back and forth.

First go here to get a little background and followup, then watch the video, which is linked off that page, courtesy of 1115.org. (Transcript here for those without DSL or QuickTime -- the Michele Malkin segment, about 3/4 of the way down.) High points:

  • Willie Brown laughing rudely at the female guest after she's put her foot in her mouth and he realizes the host is going to crucify her.
  • The guest's eye-popping delivery, best captured by hitting the pause button at random points as she speaks.
  • Her final line, at which the host himself laughs derisively, when she asks "Well don't you WONDER??" whether or not Kerry shot himself to get his purple hearts.
  • Christ God. I can't decide whether I'm enjoying all this rutting, or can't wait til it's all over. It's like a bad drug trip -- not only are you horrified at what you perceive, but you're afraid it will actually cause you permanent brain damage and effectively never end, even when the drugs wear off.

    If you're that interested, the woman herself has a blog where she gives her version of the conversation.

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