Thursday, August 26, 2004

Letting the eagle soar

When he's not spurring the FBI to hunt down terrorist suspects and white collar tax cheats, AG John Ashcroft is scouring the internet for those nasty file-sharing pirate people. I feel so much safer now! (Just a tip to those badass online pirate people: calling your secret organization "The Underground Network" might not have been the best idea.)

In politics, the LA Times has a nifty Electoral Vote Calculator (requires Flash), if you'd like to torture yourself with win-loss scenarios. And Bush today called on John McCain to see what he could do to stop political ads from 527 groups. I guess they're hurting Bush more than his own supporters' ads are hurting Kerry -- I don't see Kerry calling for an end to the ads.

By the way, Bush edged ahead of Kerry in a poll released today -- but playing with that electoral vote map will convince you how meaningless the total popular vote is. Who cares how many million Texans think Bush should be re-elected? Their state's electoral votes only count for so much.

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