Saturday, August 14, 2004

Tea time

Michelle Tea has a new, somewhat exhausting column up on BeyondChron. In it she describes a queer art festival she attended in Olympia and mentions -- along with 46 other things she saw -- a SF punk band and says mournfully that she was filled with regret for not catching them in SF, since she had just seen their last show.

Yeah, I know exactly how you feel. But I feel that way about most things -- it seems I miss out on more than I catch. Tea, on the other hand, is a successful writer with a cult following and saw 46 other things she saw in Olympia that she doesn't have to feel regretful about. Because she's pretty much in the center of things.

She's in the center of things because she's charming. I, on the other hand, am crabby and getting crabbier. Cris says I see everything negatively these days. So don't ask me about the election.

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