Friday, December 17, 2004

Cat strophe

We still have a fractionated house, with the supposedly temporary cat Six in front, and "our" two cats Milagrito and Sirenita in back. Every morning I let M. and S. out to the garden, where they roam around all day. This morning, before doing so, I visited a few minutes with Six, and I guess I retained a lot of his smell, because Milagrito acted very upset when I came downstairs to the garden door to let him out. He often takes a playful swipe at my shoes, just once, right before I let him out, but this morning he attacked the shoes much more aggressively, and then in the garden, continued to act like he was in a cat fight with my shoes. It's very unusual for him, and I was taken aback. I still feel sort of upset by it.

Today's the last day of the class I'm teaching at work, and everything's pretty much downhill from here to the beginning of next year. I ought to go through the docs one more time, and then we'll finally release. The weekend brings the beginning of several holiday events. Ding ding a ling, the xmas bells.

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