Wednesday, December 15, 2004

Work hazard

On Mondays at work we stay late and have a teleconference with the engineers in India. Because we stay late and everyone lives at least a half-hour drive from work, we order in food and eat before the 6:30 meeting.

Last week I had been appointed the guy who would watch for the delivery man, let him in, and show him where to put the food. At the time I noticed there was a gratuity on the bill already but I gave him another $5 because I didn't want to seem like some high-paid engineer cheapskate.

This Monday I was working at about 5:45 when somebody yelled "Food's here!" I went over to the break area and, along with some other guys, started piling Chinese food on my plate.

While I was thus engaged, someone came up asking, "What do I do with this receipt? Who gets it?" I thought it was the delivery guy again and took the receipt and started to give him $5. It turned out to be the new Director of Marketing, whom we had just hired the week before.

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