Tuesday, December 14, 2004

Okay, how is this not like the Bush administration?

This article about a local murder case sounds strangely familiar:

The brothers, ... calling themselves the 'Children of Thunder,' said they believed ____ spoke for God when they killed. He wanted money from... victims to start his own group, 'Transform America,' which he said would spread love and defeat Satan. "

Just put "George" in the blank and it makes perfect sense... to them!

I actually went to something like this once. It wasn't as abusive as the group described in the article, but the idea was the same: use brainwashing techniques to erase people's resistance, then replace their fucked-up worldview with another one which, though just as fucked-up, feels new and exciting. It took about an hour and fifteen minutes before I realized what they were doing, then I split.

What was I doing there in the first place? My fucking boss sent me! She was one of their recruits, and had pledged to bring a bunch of new people to their workshops, so she got me and her other minion to sign up under the guise of taking "communication training." What an idiot! I should have tried harder to get her fired.

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