Saturday, December 18, 2004

Just doing my part to keep things moving

The scene: a parking lot exit onto a narrow side street. The traffic: a woman in a car in front of me, trying to exit the parking lot and turn left, but on the side street, a long line of cars backed up and preventing her from entering the street. The solution: After waiting two minutes for her to move, I get out of my car, walk ahead of her into the street, and throw my hands up at the traffic inching along. "STOP!" I screamed. Then I turned to the woman in the car in front of mine. "GO!" I shouted at her, pointing to the now-clear lane. She drove into it with a sour look; I don't think she liked my aggressive action. But sometimes you just have to take things in hand. This isn't the first time I've done something like that.

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