Thursday, October 05, 2006

Clearing, chance of busy

How busy I was today at work! I barely had time to do my regular work on the docs -- I am a technical writer -- because I kept getting pulled into discussions on user interface. I made myself useful, and probably annoying, by continually leaping up and drawing on the board and talking a mile a minute, making up neologistical terms for things in the UI that don't have names.

It rained on and off all day. This is the earliest of the start of fall rains I can remember in quite some time -- it's usually late Ocotber, sometimes even November before the fall rains start. It cleared up by the afternoon, and the drive home along 101 -- despite being unusually congested -- featured beautiful clear views. Way down in Redwood City I could see San Bruno Mountain, 20 miles away straight up the freeway -- very clearly. From the marshes near Belmont I could see Berkeley and Albany in detail. And the sky still held enormous clouds, white and black against the blue and gold sky. Fantastic.

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