Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Rejection no. 15

It's official: my novel Make Nice has now been rejected by all of the editors at mainstream houses whom my agent could think to send it to. To quote the editor's note to my agent:
I couldn’t really get the idea past people here. Most people simply thought it was too obscure and too small of a market for a book like this.
Actually, that's partially encouraging: he liked my book and went to bat for it with the editorial board. So it doesn't just suck. That's the good news.

The bad news is that I wrote a book about an "obscure" subject, one not enough people are interested in reading a novel about -- not enough for a mainstream publishing house, anyway.

I also lack any kind of a "platform," which is a publishing industry term for "some reasons unrelated to the writing itself which might cause people to be interested in the book." If, for example, I had somehow worked in Hollywood with some of the people mentioned in the book, or even if my uncle had -- that might allow a publicist to say "Hey, the nephew of Nelson Riddle wrote a book about Sinatra and the Rat Pack." See, that would make it more interesting. Unfortunately, I am not the nephew of Nelson Riddle or anyone in Hollywood and I have no such "platform."

So it will be on to the small presses, somehow -- though I fear that my book might strike them as "too commercial"!

In the meantime, I am still working on a novel about Americans in Bangalore, and on short stories about superheroes.

1 comment:

Chris C. said...

You got a long way to go until you equal Katia's number of rejections, so...don't slouch! Hit those small presses! ;)

I think you're probably right on the "platform" thing, though. This is why I hate capitalism. It's Social Darwinism formalized into policy.

And speaking as someone who's right at the place where a major piece of work has just been launched into the world and is trying to MOVE ON, I'm really glad you're deep into the new work. That's all that matters: the work that is now.

P.S. That book IS going to be published someday! :)