Friday, April 13, 2007

Airport I

In the battle between taxis and public transit, public transit won today: I waited at Folsom and Cesar Chavez for either a bus or a taxi, and the bus came first, in about 8 minutes. Bus to 24th St. BART to the airport.

SFO international terminal really nice. Not a hamburger to be had, not that I wanted one, but the sushi is pretty good. Long lines at the coffee stands, which are staffed by bored middle-aged ladies who know nothing about the quick service expected by yuppie business travellers.

Inside security, they have these vending machines for iPods, digital cameras, and their accoutrements. You pick an item using a touch screen, swipe your credit card, and a robotic mechanism zeroes in on your item, coaxes it onto a little elevator, and then delivers it to a chute which opens so you can get your product.

Lots and lots of European languages and accents, which is natural, since my first flight goes to Frankfurt, where I change planes.

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