Sunday, April 08, 2007

Coming up: posts from Bangalore

On Friday I'll be taking off for Bangalore, India, for a week-long stay to research the novel I've been working on for over two years. I have nothing planned except to observe, walk around, and scout locations -- I want to see where my main character lives, where she works, where she shops, where she gets lost in one scene, and so on.

Thanks to the generosity of friends of a friend, I will be staying with some relocated Americans and not at one of the very expensive hotels. That will save me beaucoup bucks and the only downside is that I have several scenes set in one of the expensive hotels.

I'm starting to pack. I've found in the past that this actually raises my level of anxiety, but in this case made me a little calmer. The fact is that Cris and I have been shopping for this trip for almost a year, ever since it looked like I might go to Bangalore last summer.

I will be posting from there, of course. In fact, I may be posting a lot, since it's the hottest time of the year and I plan to lay low during the afternoon. I also may be posting much less than I expect, if I'm unlucky with the frequent power outages I've read about.

In the meantime, for your pleasure:
- Flickr pix tagged with "Bangalore"
- Bangalore Buzz, a news aggregation blog

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