Thursday, October 14, 2004

Nuts to all!

Man, it was like Xmas at the d.b.t.s. today. First a package came from an online shopping service -- I had it delivered here so the UPS man wouldn't get frustrated trying to deliver it at home. Then someone made a delivery of all the snacks and drinks the company provides for free. Water, sodapop, Snapples, M&Ms, mixed nuts, trail mix, pretzels -- they really go for it here. When you only have 15 people working there, I guess they can afford it.

One of the more trivial ways you judge a company, in terms of what it's like to work there, is what they give out free in the break room. Most companies start out generous and then cut back more and more until you're bringing your own coffee creamer. I remember it was a dark day at Peoplesoft when they stopped paying for bagels three times a week. But every company gets to that point, because every company gets to the point of having to cut costs, and if you're spending hundreds of dollars every week on bagels and cream cheese for 3000 people, it's kind of an obvious thing to cut. Morale plummets, though.

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