Saturday, January 08, 2005

Farewell to the Six monster

Today is a big milestone. No, not because my boss talked to me yesterday asking me when did I want to convert to full time, and when did I think we should start hiring more writers and trainers whom I would then manage; not because this morning I shipped off another rev of the CD I maintain for a queer Lutheran organization; not because it is once again raining like crazy.

No, today is a big day because today we are taking Six over to our friend Jenny's in Oakland, there to live and get the hell out of our hair.

I shouldn't be cavalier. Cris has really grown to love the cat. And I've warmed to him, too. And though his behavior improved drastically in the 11 months we had him, we never solved the multiple-cat problem, meaning half the house was eternally closed to our own two cats, who were much the worse for wear phsychologically. Not to mention the tipping-point effect on my allergies.

Things'll be so much simpler not having half the house closed off, with us going in and out of doors like a Marx Brothers routine. We'll be able to clean more than one room of the house at a time; we'll be able to actually reach the ringing phone before it goes to voice mail; I'll gain ten minutes in the morning that were spent feeding and petting an extra cat. It's Cris who really got to like him. I won't miss him that much.

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