Saturday, January 29, 2005

The Mark Pritchard that's here

Several years ago when I created a personal website for the first time, I included on my about page a section listing several other Mark Pritchards I'd found when doing ego-driven searches on my own name. One of the more colorful Mark Pritchards I listed early on was an Australian snake wrangler whose exhibition of his skills had been photographed and put on line. When I updated the page a couple of years ago, I found those pictures had unfortunately vanished, as these things tend to do; but I found another Australian Mark Pritchard who was the leader of an esoteric sect that teaches, among other things, astral travel and that the leader is an incarnation of a demonic being. It's all a little hard to follow, but if you go to that link you'll get the gist.

(Random thought -- is "gist" derived from "geist" meaning "spirit," as in "zeitgeist"?) No, it turns out to be from the Old French giste, meaning abode: "used in a proverb, F., c'est là que gît le lièvre, it is there that the hare lies, i. e., that is the point, the difficulty.")

Recently, in the sect's website, somebody posted my bio page with its link to their Mark Pritchard, aka Demon Beelzebub. Then someone commented: "It's unfortunate that this particular 'Mark Pritchard' has a rather negative impression of what Belzebuub has created and given to the world." Why, yes, I do have a negative impression, but being called an "esoteric sect" is getting off easy compared to what I could have called them after browsing their site.

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