Monday, November 14, 2005

Hey, I get it! 'My best friend' is me!

Courtesy Metafilter, a website by a woman who offers some affirmations for healthy living. My favorite:

I Say Nice Things to My Best Friend

I ask myself, What do I wish a man would tell me in this moment? And I say, "I wish I had a man to tell me..." And I complete that sentence with "Great job!" or "I like the way you take care of yourself" or "I like the way you're making time to do your exercises today" or "I really love that about you - the way you care about others" or "It's OK that you made that mistake. Nobody's perfect" or whatever else would give me a lift.

That's right. In order to make yourself feel better, she recommends asking yourself, "What do I wish a man would tell me in this moment?" Unfortunately for many of us it would be hard to think of a man telling us anything but "Out of the way, asshole!" or "Fuck off!"

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I know what mine would say. "Oh, by the way, honey, I smashed the patriarchy for you today."