Wednesday, November 02, 2005

Why humans wear makeup

Women's complexions reflect their estrogen level, says a report cited in this BBC story, with "women with high levels of estrogen (having) prettier faces." Makeup somewhat masks this effect, while allowing women lacking the hormonal boost to increase their hormonal glow. The result is that all made-up women broadcast a uniformly medium-to-enhanced level of crypto-fertility.

Head of the study, Miriam Law Smith, said: "Women are effectively advertising their general fertility with their faces. Make-up can improve appearance across the board, but it will obviously help people who are less attractive more." For example, eye make-up can be used to make the eyes appear bigger and foundation can make the skin look clearer.

"Our findings could explain why men universally seem to prefer feminine women's faces. In evolutionary terms, it makes sense for men to favour feminine fertile women -- those that did would have had more babies," she added.

I guess they didn't figure in goth.

Speaking of which, see this site which suggests Jesus was goth.

  • He went to the coolest clubs and dens of iniquity. Jesus hung out with the real "alternative" crowd of the time. His buddies were tax-collectors, fetishists, and women of ill-repute. He also literally hung around with murderers (check out the cross scene), once again showing his fascination with death.
  • Christ surrounded himself with goth chicks. Mary Magdalene and Veronica were two of the first goth-chicks, but Jesus also has a horde of gothic groupies. How else would you describe all those nuns/brides of Christ? They wear all black and white, and are heavy into crosses, rosaries, and the contemplation of holy masochism.
  • He had the gaunt look down pat. You have to admit, few pictures you've ever seen of the guy had him rosy-cheeked and robust. The man was positively scrawny and white. He had cheekbones from Hell, and even his hipbones stuck way out.

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