Sunday, November 06, 2005

Just enough for the city

Sitting in a cafe on Church St. Nearby there are two people talking. One is a dumpy trans woman in a bad wig; the other is an attractive woman with black hair. She is apparently the other person's sponsor, because the tranny is whining and complaining to her. "I feel so tired of this person I am. I feel like I'm supposed to do something; almost every time I relapse, something happens that almost kills me."

The sponsor is trying to talk sense. "But you don't die."

It's early evening; just a month ago the sun was still shining brightly at this time, 6 pm, but now it's night, and the rain is coming.

Something strange about San Francisco this weekend: both Prince Charles and the Dalai Lama are visiting. I haven't run into a motorcade yet but I've been staying off the highways. Nevertheless the increased gravitas didn't help the 49ers.

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