Friday, November 04, 2005

Let's see, how many security warnings linked to bad weeks for the administration does that make?

Wow, they're still pulling this trick: Bush had such a bad week that they had to leak another terrorist plot warning -- three guys were arrested in London who allegedly planned to blow up Washington targets.

Yeah, whatever. Here's what I believe:
1. They arrest people all the fucking time for stuff like this, whether it's justified or not.
2. They chuck them God knows where. You never hear from them again.
3. When they want to distract people from how badly Bush is fucking up, they announce the latest arrests.
4. You think they make just as big a deal when it all turns out to be a big hoax, or a plot that hadn't got past first base, or just a FBI sting where there never was a real plan to blow anything up? You think they ever make an announcement when they drop the charges and let people go?

So BFD, guys. Go fuck yourselves.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The men just arrested in England had piles of terrorist stuff in their houses including suicide bomber 'training videos' and car bomb instructions.Of course it is probably different here .. but it IS always announced when people are released.Even just on bail.