Thursday, February 02, 2006

Misc. Dept.

It's that time of the week for utterly unfocused links.

Courtesy Metafilter, here's How to win the New Yorker caption contest every time. I know my NYer cartoon-posting friend Marilyn will appreciate it.

StarryShine on Nan Talese as she appeared on Oprah last week:

She's freaky lookin' huh? what do you think her surgeon has done to her to make her look like a fetal alcohol syndrome victim rabbit hybrid? how could he do that to her and still be board certified?

Emphasis mine -- perhaps this is what Bush had in mind in the SOTU when he mentioned "human-animal hybrids." (Of course, Bush didn't coin the phrase; a quick Google shows it's been around for at least five years.)

Speaking of t-shirts, Cindy Sheehan wasn't the only one thrown out of the SOTU for wearing a message t-shirt -- also ejected by Capitol police was Beverly Young, wife of Rep. C.W. Young of Florida -- Republican chairman of the House Defense Appropriations subcommittee -- who wore a t-shirt reading "Support the Troops -- Defending our Freedom."

Capitol police chief Terrance Gainer apologized to both women and -- perhaps anticipating an ACLU lawsuit -- admitted the policy police were using was overly vague.

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