Wednesday, February 08, 2006

Possible "What Are You Working On?" future interviewee

There's a woman named Janice Erlbaum whose memoir Girlbomb is about to be published to a certain amount of promotion and fanfare. Her nervous blog, which makes her sound halfway between a debutante and a basket case -- and I mean that in a good way -- has been narrating her anxiety as she waits for her carton of author's copies to arrive. (Today they did.)

Like many bloggers, she has fun checking out the stats logs that include the search phrases that somehow landed people on her site, and yesterday she posted an entry about one such phrase -- BOOKS ON HOW NOT TO KILL YOURSELF -- and decided it would make a great title for her next book.

If she's looking at her stats, it's a sure thing she Technoratis herself, so Ms. Erlbaum, if you'd like to join the other writers who have answered the question "What are you working on?" I'd love to have you. Meanwhile, I pre-ordered your book a month ago.

And as long as we're at it, some of the search strings that led to my blog recently were:

voice of the martyrs scripture balloons
plaid new york peggy millard
louis coprophilia french
psychedelic playlists

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