Monday, February 06, 2006

Spy on your loved ones, part XL ·

Everything's XL today, including the waistlines of Americans recovering from endless rounds of chips and dip.

TMN had a link to this alarmingly understated Guardian story: How I Stalked My Girlfriend. All it took was access to her cellphone for a few minutes, registration on a website, and a few pounds sterling, and the author could track his girlfriend's movements -- or rather, those of her cellphone -- through a GPS-enabled website. But for those of you drooling at the idea, the author "sensibly" doesn't provide the website's URL, so we have to find it ourselves.

Or maybe Google can help... eh, yeah. Three seconds later, here we are:

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1 comment:

Jym said...

=v= Thanks for the Googling. Now I can spy on your loved ones!