Monday, February 06, 2006

Today's fake: porn model fakes her own death ·

Through a totally random chain of clicks, I discovered this great post: Karen Palm Lying Little Bitch, on the blog of... let's see... some porn actress who calls herself Audrey.

According to "Audrey," this person "Karen Palm" faked her own death in order to rip someone off, though exactly how this was supposed to be accomplished is not really explained -- something about "a plan to have her site taken out of the web, but still keep the money from the shoots."

I'll bet Violet can explain the scheme, and along the way she'll probably be able to inform us whether these girls are big stars or total unknowns or what. Because if you're a total unknown and you fake your own death, that's just too pathetic to be believed.

But not as pathetic as the guy whose letter to Salon's agony aunt columnist was printed today -- he's glad an anti-depressant took away his libido because now his wife can't jerk him around anymore by withholding sex. If that's how he feels on an anti-depressant, imagine what a waste of space he was before he started taking it!

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