Sunday, June 18, 2006

Elections 2006!

It's church convention time, and:
  • Presbyterians elected a moderate female leader on Friday, the Rev. Joan S. Gray, who said "that she was 'comfortable being uncomfortable' with her inner turmoil over whether the church should let gay men and lesbians serve as ministers." In other words, she understands and tolerates ambiguity, which is a good thing in church leaders; it keeps them from being demagogues.
  • Episcopalians elected a liberal female leader today, the Rev. Katharine Jefferts Schori, bishop of Nevada. She supported the election of gay Bishop Gene Robinson in 2003, but all you really need to know about her is that conservatives are pissed off that she was elected.
  • And Southern Baptists elected a moderate conservative male, which was actually a moderation from the hard-right leaders they've had for the last 20 years. The quote that everyone was quoting from Page was: "I believe in the word of God; I'm just not mad about it."
All things considered, not a bad week.

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