Friday, June 30, 2006

It's Bad Behavior Friday™! -- Dept. of inflated expectations

A Kansas judge used a penis enlargement pump while on the bench, and once used a disposable razor during a trial to shave his "scrotum," according to the testimony of a former court reporter fired by the judge after she cooperated with an invistigation into his conduct (Courtesy Obscure Store) Update: The judge was convicted today on four counts of indecent exposure.

A Texas man mailed a threatening letter to his ex-girlfriend and included a human finger, writing "This is my last chance to touch you." Police complimented whoever amputated the finger, saying "It was a clean cut -- it wasn't mangled." That's a relief -- don't you just hate it when you receive fingers in the mail and they're all messed up?

Good thing he didn't send it UPS.

And in L.A., safety officials are giving a hard look at Bikram Choudhury's yoga studio chain, the one where they crank the heat up to 110 degrees no matter what the weather is like outside. But that's not the issue -- the issue is overcrowding.
Inspectors in April found 160 people squeezed into a space with a maximum capacity of 49, said Deputy City Atty. Eric Rosenblatt...
But I'll bet they were all slippery.

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