Thursday, June 29, 2006

Focus on the fundies: 'Warren Buffet = Mengele'

The Buffett-Gates Foundation donation and the masturbatory coverage surrounding it haven't pleased anti-abortion foamers, who are criticizing the philanthropists for supporting Planned Parenthood and other birth control programs. A priest, one Thomas Euteneuer, who runs an anti-abortion group said something that is so contradictory to common sense that it sounds like parody: "The merger of Gates and Buffett may spell doom for the families of the developing world." He also equated Buffett -- a wealthy businessman -- with Nazi doctor Josef Mengele.

Yes -- birth control may doom families in the developing world. Of course, the opposite is true: countries where birth control is widespread also have low infant mortality rates, fewer people living in poverty, and a higher life expectancy.

Euteneuer's logic is revealed on his website, where an article about Buffett's gift contains this sentence:
It was Warren Buffett who funded the deadly abortion drug RU-486 and has sent suction machines to the Third World to make sure that the poor would not proliferate in his eugenic vision of a white-dominated world.
I'd hate to see what he has to say about George Soros.

1 comment:

Mark Pritchard said...

More like a pre-funding startup, except that it will come into being whether there is enough money or not.