Monday, June 12, 2006

Eliminated: how big do you have to be?

On April 21, 2003, Time magazine celebrated the capture of Saddam Hussein by doing ... what would you call it? an homage? an update? a mashup? -- of one of its most famous covers: the May 7, 1945 portrait of Hitler with a big red X on his puss.

Now its June 19th issue gives the same treatment to ... oh Christ, now I'll have to look up how to spell it... Abu Musab al-Zarqawi.

So it's a sort of honor now, isn't it? What I want to know is, just how big do you have to be before Time gives you this treatment? Milosevic didn't get it, and I'll bet he was responsible for a lot more deaths than Zarqawi. Mao didn't get it, and he killed at least as many people as Hitler. Stalin didn't get it... you could go on for a long time.

You know, if they do it to Castro when he kicks, I'll be really pissed.

Courtesy FishbowlNY.


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