Thursday, June 08, 2006

Too much of a good thing, part deux

An "IT glitch" at British candy maker Cadbury resulted in a chocolate glut during the first months of the year, leading the company to heavily discount its candy bars. The company lost millions of pounds even as British consumers gained them.

Then we have the spam names of the week. Remember Brave New World (The whole text of the novel is available online!) where the characters were called things like Benito Hoover and Lenina Crowne? It's like that! A whole world of mismatched names, sort of like MadLibs with names. Who could possibly think of names like:
Basma Mowbray -- bank teller, secretly a gampling addict who will some day begin embezzling
Jewell Padilla -- half-sister of would-be bomber Jose Padilla, single mother and an amateur poet
Wincenty Rennick -- retired CalTrain engineer, now a real estate investor
Cleon Mayweather -- eighth-round draft pick for the Philadelphia Eagles
Helladius Midgley -- on permanent disability, he rides buses all day and scrawls on the seats
Hung Moyer -- gas station attendant with plans to own his own gas station/convenience store chain
Paula Bush -- that co-worker whose name invariably makes you think of pubic hair because her frizzy hair resembles it
Marcellus Petrosky -- frat boy who dies from binge drinking
Anastasia Wiseman -- grad student in the history department
Hana Burchell -- she lived in the apartment before you and you keep receiving her mail
Gregorios Chick -- pimp
Winifred Swain -- failed short story writer, now a tech writer about to be laid off by Sun
Haylee Blas -- that girl on the swim team everybody kisses up to

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