Friday, December 08, 2006

Another closet case for the Lord

A Xtian evangelist is drawing crowds of would-be he-men with exclamations like "Thank you, Lord, for our testosterone!" (Courtesy Metafilter)
Brad Stine runs onstage in ripped blue jeans, his shirt untucked, his long hair shaggy. He's a stand-up comic by trade, but he's here today as an evangelist, on a mission to build up a new Christian man — one profanity at a time. "It's the wuss-ification of America that's getting us!" screeches Stine, 46.
Jesus Christ. Don't miss the lyrics of one of the songs played at the event:
Forget the yin and the yang
I'll take the boom and the bang.
Don't need in touch with my feminine side!
All I want is my testosterone high.
This is why satire like The Reverend Billy will never gain much of a foothold. You can't satirize a movement that is all too full of self-satire.

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