Sunday, December 31, 2006

Focus on the Fundies: Colorado Springs on downswing?

The Colorado Springs Gazette today has a major feature on the prospect of Colorado Springs losing its national influence with the disgrace of Ted Haggard and the midterm lelection loss by Republicans.

Personally I don't care whether Colorado Springs becomes "less influential" in the Republican party or the religious right, but there are a few eyebrow-raising things in the story of how an economically depressed provincial city created "a cluster economy based on Jesus" For one thing, a mysterious foundation donated millions of dollars to build Focus on the Family a headquarters and lure them from Southern California. Then a city development executive used her "born again" status to bond with other Xtian NGOs and draw them in as well.

For all this, the article says only 4000 people work for right-wing Xtian non-profits in Colo. Springs and it is only a "$1 billion industry." So they have been remarkably influential given their actual size.

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