Friday, April 20, 2007

Back to Malleswaram, this time with batteries

Early this morning I took an auto back to Malleswaram, this time with sufficient batteries for my camera, and I had the best walk. I explored down 8th Cross Road toward the east and then down Link Road toward (I think) the southeast, although it could have been the southwest... I got a little turned around.

I found a wonderful area of small modern houses that were just great. I went up and down the side streets taking pictures of them. Each one had a design drawn in chalk at the front door, and eventually I happened upon a woman (perhaps a housemaid) making one of these designs. I'll explain how she did it. She had a little metal bowl full of powdered chalk, and she expertly sprinkled it on the pavement, making first a grid of little dots, and then connecting some of the dots with intricate diamond shapes. The designs in front of each house are different, and as far as I can tell, reflect the creativity of whoever is doing it. I think I read somewhere that these designs are like good luck talismans, and are redone every day.

She allowed me to take pictures while she was making the design. Unfortunately it was right up against the bumper of a car parked next to the gate, but I was able to take the pictures anyway. I will post them later today my time.

A little later in my walk, I saw a canopy set up in a narrow lane and walked down to investigate. There was a cow in there, and a priest was drawing a design on the forehead of the cow and doing other ritualistic things with, among other objects, a bowl of fire in which I think he was burning incense. A small crowd of onlookers was there, including a photographer who was snapping pictures. I tried to get some pictures but I couldn't really get very close. Then, to my surprise, they coaxed the cow up some steps and onto the narrow walkway leading to the house itself. The cow and the people disappeared back there.

I had a great time walking around the neighborhood, getting slightly lost and then finding Sampige Road, which I had used as an orientation point on my previous visits. There I bought a couple of calendars to give as souvenirs. With these and a bottle of water in my hands I decided I better head home, so I had another entertaining auto ride back to the neighborhood where I'm staying.


Chris C. said...

Hey there, just letting you know that I'm back and reading these avidly through my fever (I've got a wow of a flu). You're bringing Bangalore alive for me as you once did Japan. Thanks! :)

Hope all continues to go well. Glad you got some rain!

Anonymous said...

I refer to '...each one had a design drawn in chalk at the front door.' The design that you've taken a pic of is actually a very, very simple one. During a particular month, there are competitions (held in / between streets in localities) for the best design etc! You should see those.
I might have a pic somewhere. Will email them to you.