Friday, September 23, 2005

Battling the news, we offer utter trivia

A slutty Mexican girl posts pix of herself with captions like "Baby, I'm a Star."

StarryShine is pissed that people can't tell the difference between her casually emaciated look and that of a hurricane survivor.

In Sao Paulo, Brazil, city workers have been taking down brothel advertisements with pictures of half-naked women and carrying the slogan "emotion on every curve" as the mayor tries to clean up the city's image in advance of an auto race on city streets.

An Idaho weatherman, caught up in a delusion that "the Japanese mafia, using a Russian electromagnetic generator," caused Hurricane Katrina, quit his job so he could devote full time to investigating his theory.

But the prize goes to blogger Min Jung Kim who rebuffed drunken Republicans by telling them a shag "wasn't in God's plan."

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