Tuesday, September 20, 2005

Satire is dead, #93789045190

A Texas woman became the subject of one of those reality TV shows that subject women to extensive plastic surgery in order to "make them over." A crew from the show interviewed family members and "manipulated" them into "horrific, hurtful statements from virtually every member of her family," a suit alleges. The emotional trauma resulting from these admissions was so great it destroyed the family's emotional equilibrium and drove the woman's sister to suicide.

In the 21st century it's not enough that every magazine suggests that the feminine ideal is a sexually precocious adolescent who cannot be visually distinguished from a high school freshman, and that modern culture has become so rife with images from pornography that there's a word for it: pornification. It's not enough that most women in the media are virtually discarded after age 40. Now we have to literally invade the lives of ordinary people and push their face (literally!) in it. Gaaahh, it's so disgusting.

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