Wednesday, September 21, 2005

Male author: Women should not sleep with dipshits

In a Salon interview, author Benjamin Kunkel was asked what women should do with immature, indecisive, aimless men. He responded:

Women shouldn't have sex with these guys! As a whole, you should go on some sort of a sexual strike against just such men.... There needs to be a general strike. If there is not a mass strike against such men they will be able to achieve libidinal expenditure relatively frequently, if not satisfyingly; they'll fail to sublimate their libidinal energies in the way that actually makes men attractive, which is by accomplishing things that may not be what they've always wanted to accomplish but are worthy things all the same, and they'll respond to women with the slack apathy with which one might respond to women if one felt that women were too available to them. Women as a whole should go on sexual strike; this is what I'm proposing.

Kunkel is the author of Indecision. As someone whose young male characters are plagued with the same malady, I have to admire a writer who successfully made a huge debut success out of the theme.

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