Tuesday, May 23, 2006

The Antichrist is alive today

Scariest headline of the week:
Ryan Seacrest Goes from 'Idol' to Empire
Hail Ceasar! Don't forget to release poison gas on the internet when you take command.

And over the weekend, Rudolph Giuliani showed what butters his bread: he stumped for lobbyist Ralph Reed, who's running for... what... lieutenant gov. of Georgia. The former head of the "Christian Coalition" is also a former bag man for Jack Abramoff.

And for a minute there, back in 2004, I kind of liked Giuliani. He's not a foamer on social issues like a lot of these Republican fucks, and he seems like a fundamentally okay guy. But now he kisses Reed's ass -- that's no good. Fuck him.

Speaking of Abramoff and his cynical alliance with evangelical Christians, details of his bogus "US Family Network" organization -- little more than a front to launder influence payments from groups like Russian oil magnates -- are coming out. (permalink for that story -- click on that to read the whole thing with no registration.) There was something on NPR this morning about it, in addition to this story from the Topeka Capital Journal. This story is a perfect example of the way Republicans have screwed their naive evangelical allies six ways to Sunday -- and they're just barely starting to realize it.

Footnote: the subject of the Kansas paper's story is the involvement with the US Family Network of Rep. Jim Ryun. Ryun is a former Olympian and distance runner who captured the world record for the mile in 1966, making him a hero to my then ten-year-old self. No matter how naive childhood hero-worship is, it's sad to see them not only grow up but succumb to greed and stupidity.

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