Sunday, May 07, 2006

I love this city

Today after church I met up with Shannon O'Leary, the brilliant and fabulous writer/impresario whose graphic novel series Fortune's Bitch has just begun with Vol. 1. She gifted me a copy and I really enjoyed it, and for a special reason. I met Shannon almost two years ago when I joined a writing group; at that time she was working on a novel. After several months she decided to turn her partially-finished ms. into a graphic novel, and with the first issue, it's become a reality. Way to go, Shannon!

Shannon also writes the StarryShine blog and writes and produces the Pet Noir comix.

Then in the evening I went to the SF Metrobloggers Meetup and met lucious bloggers. [photos by Lauren] I was lucky in finding parking (not once but twice, as I had to leave the event after 40 minutes, do a chore, then return), so I felt my attendance there was fated. Many's the time I've tried to attend some event or other in San Francisco and simply bailed because I couldn't find a place to park.

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