Tuesday, May 31, 2005

Hoax concert on NYC rooftop

Courtesy Amy Langfield, this very funny, illustrated prank in which a bunch of bozos decide to stage a fake "U2 concert on a rooftop" across from the site of the actual concert. They printed up fake backstage passes, learned a four-song repertoire, and in true "Let It Be" fashion, were busted by (real) cops. After it was all over, the cops saw the humor of the thing and told the perps they would probably only receive minimal fines. One of the conspirators comments:

So, for $20 I can pretend I'm a rockstar on the roof of an apartment building in New York City, entertain hundreds of passers-by and have a blast all the while, but a right turn onto 7th Ave. from 34th Street between 6-8 PM costs me $75. Another reason why I don't have a car.

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