Monday, May 09, 2005

Today's fundie

A former Texas minister is one of the driving forces behind the Republican drive to trash the filibuster and get the Senate to rubber-stamp Bush's judicial nominees. I guess he thinks the Lord will return before there's ever another Democratic majority, because if this filibuster as an institution is destroyed, there will never again be another judge from a minority party approved.

Scarborough for years was little known outside of Texas, despite long-standing ties to DeLay, who calls the preacher "one of my closest friends," and his 2002 anointment by Jerry Falwell as one of the new leaders of the religious right in America. Now that he is in the thick of the filibuster controversy, Scarborough's op-ed pieces are being picked up by major newspapers, and copies of his 9-year-old book, "Enough is Enough," which discusses judicial overreach, are in big demand.

One of my goals in life is to give the Republican Party courage," Scarborough said. "We have a lot of gutless wonders who wear the tag 'conservative Republican.' Anytime there's any amount of fire, they crater."

Spoken like a true man of prayer! Well, note that he's a former pastor -- he resigned in 2002 because the famously flaming Southern Baptist Convention wasn't conservative enough.


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