Sunday, March 26, 2006

FOB girl turns the corner

Let's check in with Erin the NASA bedrest study subject, who halfway through her 90 days of enforced bed rest (at a minus 7-degree angle, at that -- try keeping your appetite up with your feet constantly higher than your head) seems to have turned the corner:

Every night it takes me a little longer to get to sleep, a little less time spent sleeping and a little more time thinking. and thinking. and thinking. finally getting around to some of the introspection that i was expecting from all of this. and i'm surprising myself with what i'm finding out.

By having to completely depend on people to survive right now, i'm learning that my desire to be independent far far FAR outwieghs my desire to be doted on and spoiled, or waited on hand and foot. holy shit, someone please let me cook for myself.

i've always known that i like having time to myself. but now i'm learning how necessary it is to keep one's sanity in order. this is most likely why i'm staying up later and later, to counterbalance the hectic days with nurses in here all the time and volunteers and visits from mike and bright lights and everything else, when i can't get a moment's peace to myself. this is also why i tend to feel better after the nights that i've slept less, because i've gotten some time to sort the day out, sort my head out and relax without constant interruptions. when it's gogogogoGOdeadstop? All of my brain power has gone to my distractions, and not to myself.

And if you didn't see the photos of her daily "suspensions," you must.

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