Monday, April 10, 2006

Around the block

Here's an interview with my writer friend Marilyn Jaye Lewis, who was the very first person I interviewed for the "What are you working on?" series. She gives me, Cris, and FTH a nice shout-out.

And speaking of former WAYWO interviewees, Alison Tyler now has a blog.

Girlbomb author Janice Erlbaum has a Moment with a capital M: one of the teenage runaway residents of the shelter where she volunteers -- the shelter where she stayed when she was a teenage runaway 20 years ago, where part of her memoir is set -- found her book compelling and incisive. Or, as the reader herself put it:

"I gotta give it to you, Bead Lady. I'm reading that book you wrote, and I can not put it down! ... Because I was feeling low, you know, I was all upset because of my prospects, you know, this situation that I'm in, and feeling like it's not going to get better, and then my roommate had read your book, and she said -- not to put your business all in the street -- but she said, you know, 'Bead Lady used to live here, and she was messed up too, and now she's doin' all right, so you should read this.' And she passed it to me. And it is mad good. It is mad inspiring."

It doesn't get any better than that.

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