Saturday, April 15, 2006

Pretty tired

This is the end of a very busy, tiring week during which I had little time to look at the internets or to blog. What posts I made were made to my new blog, Bangalore Sweatbox, which I started just a couple days before colorful riots enveloped the city, much to the embarrassment of most Indians. Metroblogging Bangalore has comments from technically wired people, not to say the hoi polloi.

Thursday was Maundy Thursday, last night was Good Friday, tonight is the Easter Vigil. The first two services were choir-intensive, and having joined the church choir last fall, I have been spending a lot of time over at church. For tonight there's no choir, but I volunteered to sing the Exultet -- a canticle that is sung only once a year at the "vigil" service of Easter, i.e. the night before -- and that requires its own rehearsal. But I have to recreate a little, too, so I'm going off to the museum or a film today. As for working on my novel, that'll have to wait until all this is over tomorrow.

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