Monday, April 03, 2006

Today's fake: 'Why Mommy is a Democrat'

Funny: a hoax page for a children's book that inculcates "Democrat" values ("Democrats make sure we share all our toys, just like Mommy does" while in the background two wealthy people scorn a homeless bum).

Of course, there is no such book -- but that didn't keep some people from being deeply outraged.


1 comment:

saurabh said...

The book can be bought via the site itself - just because it doesn't sell on Amazon doesn't mean it doesn't exist. It could be self-published. Also, since the author seems to be collecting money via Paypal, "hoax" might not be a strong enough word - "fraud" would be in order. However, he continues to advertise sans complaint on many liberal blogs, so I have to imagine he's on the up-and-up. But still stupid. You should recant.