Saturday, April 29, 2006

Frankly, it's porn, okay?

There has been lots of coverage lately about the increased interest by mainstream publishers in "erotica" (for example, this LA Times article (link courtesy Booksquare). All the articles make it pretty clear that what they're calling "erotica" is pretty tame stuff. For example, one writer quoted in that story says:
Erotica legitimizes the female sexual experience. Women read these books and it makes them feel normal about their own fantasies.
Hmm, WTF -- "legitimizing the female sexual experience"... What the hell does that mean? And then an Avon editor:
Chen says that the most important difference is that there's a definite plot and story line in erotica. It's not just episodic sex. "Erotica writers can tell a story," Chen says. "There is a definite hero or heroine. You might have a few sex scenes in there, but it's not gratuitous."
You know, you're right, Creampuff -- I can tell a story. And my books are pornography. And I can put in gratuitous sex if I want to, though more often it's woven into the narrative.

But... "a definite hero or heroine"? WTF -- what fucking century are you in?

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