Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Is sex necessary? or is it unnecessary?

In an article on SF Gate, a local "tantra" teacher talks about her practice -- to use the term broadly. She says things like:

The healthier way of viewing sex is to pray to the divine nature of our partner, the divine nature of our own being, while we make love. When you do this with respect, we dedicate lovemaking to the enlightenment of all beings, and we have a better chance of getting into higher states of consciousness together.

No, it's not enough just to fuck:
In order to navigate the field of lovemaking, which means transporting the energy of orgasmic pleasure to a place of deeper awareness, you have to practice. You have to be conscious of what you do. You can't just hop in the sack and hope for the best.
Oh, I don't know -- she seems to have done all right. After all, she says that "The first time I made love, I was 18, and I had a satori (enlightenment) experience in which I went beyond my body to a place of light and complete bliss -- a place that was one with the divine." Not bad for a beginner, and she did it without benefit of any eastern religious mumbo-jumbo. I guess there are a lot of people out there who need help with that, because this person seems to have been making a living off talking about her version of "tantra" for more than 20 years.

I remember attending, about 25 years ago, a sort of introductory lesson in what was said to be tantra. (I keep qualifying this term because I'm pretty sure that whatever real tantric Buddhism is about, it can't be this.) Basically it involved a lot of dry-humping with different partners as the "teacher" droned on with a lot of mumbo-jumbo. Afterwards I thought, "Jesus Christ, can't people just fuck and call it fucking?" And that's still the way I feel. If you want to have really great sex, then find somebody who digs you and have really great sex with them. I guarantee it doesn't get any better by surrounding it with a lot of fakey verbiage.

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